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Wisdom of the Earth

About WOTE plant essences ~Wisdom of the Earth – Healing Body, Mind & Spirit…Naturally.

Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils offer a profound connection to the Natural World and are a bridge, a gateway, to the Unseen World.  Additionally, they bring about a deeper connection with our Authentic Self, the person we came here to be.


Wisdom of the Earth has a line of over 260 single, medicinal-grade essences imported from dedicated farmers throughout the world. These oils and essences are a beautiful support for the deeper work we are called to do at this time. Tanjariitta has completed Level I training with WOTE and is slated to attend Level II later this fall.

If you have questions about any particular essence or or would like to attend a training, please contact Tanjariitta. We can also plan a training near you. 


Sacred Revitalization Kit


a few of my favorite go-to oils for healing...






Holy Basil

This is an oil for emotional cleansing. She helps as an anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, and she is brain balancing on all levels. She helps with mental clarity and functions as a blood purifier. Assists in liver detox (which helps us release stuck anger and allows us to experience more joy). Helpful with past life regression journeys. She is a gentle love guide.  


Other physical symptoms: lowers blood congestion in veins, rheumatism, bronchitis, gout, prostatitis, bladder inflammation, digestion, gallbladder



She is anti-depressant and a nurturer of our Inner Child. She is hypnotic and a stimulant. Children love her, and autistic children have been aided by Her in beginning to talk (studied by NIH)


Other physical symptoms: digestive, lymphatic, anti-septic, cellulite reducer, used in traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years



She is a grounding Goddess who facilitates and helps with mental exhaustion. She is an anti-depressant and a stress reducer, detoxifier, sleep and immune stimulator and an aphrodisiac. She grounds us spiritually, emotionally and physically. 



Other physical symptoms: supports liver and pancreas, aging skin, skin parasites, urticaria (hives), stimulates menses or moon cycle, can be used as a coolant in hot and humid conditions

© 2021 Alkemia Terapia

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